My Journey

How weight loss unlocked my self improvement mindset

How weight loss unlocked my self improvement mindset

Weight loss unlocked my self improvement mindset They say the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. So read on to find out what I did to lose 51lbs and keep it off. You will also find my top three tips for starting your self-improvement journey off on...

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7 tips for a healthier holiday season.

7 tips for a healthier holiday season.

Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle over the holidays can come as a real setback if you don’t have the right mindset going into the holidays. When you have a diet mentality it is almost impossible to “watch what you eat” with so many Christmas feasts and treats to...

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A financial dad’s view on managing personal finance.

A financial dad’s view on managing personal finance.

Managing personal finance What would you do with a million dollars? We all dream about it. But what is it exactly that we seek when we fantasize about having an unlimited supply of money? Our deepest human needs are to belong and to achieve happiness. Fantasizing...

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How my mindset made mountains of molehills.

How my mindset made mountains of molehills.

Your mindset shapes your reality but when it is poorly maintained your mindset may lead into the age-old idiom of making mountains out of molehills more often than not. This idiom came about in the 16th century and was used to describe how I might overreact to a...

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From stopping my procrastination beast, to lift off.

From stopping my procrastination beast, to lift off.

Ever felt indecisive? Or overwhelmed on where to start? Do you want to stop the procrastination beast from eating up all your time and great ideas? After reading this post, you will get practical ways to accomplish just that. You can change your default ways of...

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